
Bet on Elizabet

Elizabet, I would bet

money on  without dread

will write great tomes going where

not even Shakespeare has tread.


Elizabet has apple cheeks,

that shine when boys walk by,

but with a quiet dignity, she gives

a downcast eye.

One thinks she hardly sees their love,

but through her brain it races, and out her

fingers, onto the page though

many letters, displaces.

When you read her books and stories

which will dazzle you into the night,

only she and I will know

the pain it took to spell right.

CLR 2011





you are one of a kind.

A solid soul, not shoved around by winds of popularity,

but occasionally sidetracked by the wiley ways of women.

Yes, you are

a writer, you,

and a thinker of superior ilk,

knew you not that?

It shocks me so

that such a force, with such a strength

could think itself unsure.

Jesse you are the only one

wearing your glasses, your smile, your frown

all equally lasting and solid and true.

Just like Jesse,

Just like you.

clr 2011

To Ms. Ray,

My senior English teacher

who was the first teacher to

tell me I am a good writer.

Something I never thought

I could be.

I say thank you.

Jesse 2011





Tiffany DeHart

would like me to start

all over again on her poem.

Unbeknownst to her, being a burr

in the side of this burro will work!

Like the wheel that squeaks, she gets the oil


with Jess and Nick, she plays the foil

and i want to re-iterate what I said before:

Tiffany has DeHart

of  a lion, and with it

the mane

and the growl!

clr 2011




Questions for Bradley

Does she have a name,

this Madonna in the making?

Will you power through together

the scary road ahead?

Will you hold her hand

even when you don't understand 

why she's crying or cursing?

Will you encourage her 

Down the line

to be all that she can be?

Does she have a name

this Miracle Maker?

And when she is not so 

young and hopeful,

and focused on you,

and if the ending is sad

and things aren't as they were,

Will you love her her still

or will you turn from her.

CLR 2010



Raymond Beltran

R are and precious,

A gem of a person and student and probably son.

Y earning for the football field

M ourning for the end

O f the season

N ot knowing what to 

D  o without his pads.


B ountiful mind reaching

E ver higher than the rest, without

L eaving his chair, he is

T rying to see the other side of the

R are

A nd

N atural world around him.

clr 2011



Ahmed Said

I am Buddist

I am honest

I am here,

Ahmed said.

I am a Warren first

and then an Ogletree.

Ahmed said

I've got a girl

and a really

long way

to walk.

And with a straight face,

Ahmed read

What Siddhartha said

And gladly,

So did I.

CLR 2011




Seth Black sits

silently,thinking comfortably

about nothing while

the voices lap over him

like the tide coming in.

As he disappears into the


across his face, a flicker of fear.

He wonders "where will life find me

this time

next year?"

The man in black is purposely set on a journey for all the undone

and Seth may follow on that path, or another million and one.

He takes life as it comes, and leaves worry for me

as he whips through his work, and

it's done. Whee!

clr 2011




I will never forget the turtle named

Terry who lived with the dolphins in peace.

Erika rides a citty bus everyday

To get to the school that she wants.

How privileged are we, who see her each day

working as hard as can be.

Like the Mona Lisa she smiles

and nobody knows

what exactly she sees.

But Erika brings us

respect, peace and friendly silence

and we love her

exquisite Silencio!

Clr 2011



Morgan Lee

A direct descndent of

Robert E.Lee.

Morgan comes from 


Or is it Alabama?

Morgan has what it 


to wear the uniform

in the military way

And yet she finds

her heart is a stray

just looking for a home.

Inside this sturdy beauty

is a

quivering heart that

sighs and cries

but keeps on listening

to those lies.

Uncle Robert

is watching you, Madame

He has his modern spies

he wants you to stand up tall

and let your respected self


clr 2011



Maritza Cruz

She Cruises

in, after a workout

looking as though

she stepped out of the beauty shop,

although she's


her gait is straight


she is the captain of her soul.

Maritza dances

and her smile

dances by itself

like a winged seraph

settling down

on a human face.

clr 2011



Nick Doyle

Nick can't help but stand

tall, he just


and his grin 

ten feet wide.

When wearing his greens and beret I would say

he stands 100 feet over them all.

A color guard, he holds our flag

and chop-steps across the gym.

Somber occasion hits

hard those who watch.

But in a Veteran's eye

is a certain glow

which hides us from what

we should never know.

Without cease they guard us

with that flag they hold


the horrors that known, would

remove our 'Bold'.


Now Nick stands tall

in thanks to all

with straight and chiseled jaw.

CLR 2011




Damion, Damion Bible-Bell

know that we all wish you well.


even though your pain is your hell

you will ring your


CLR 2011



Jose Mendoza

There are a million Joe Mendoza's

in the phonebook

but none that smell like him!

Boo Boo is stuck in Maddy's chain

of command.

But there are times when she must stop--like

when the presence of greatness

which fills his face with an

angelic light one moment turns 

to dark brooding

the next.

He will never settle for

second best, although he will

bend like the reed to

protect what he loves.

CLR 2011

Then Joe wrote this for me:

For Ms. Ray,

My fun-loving English teacher,

who makes my creativity 

burst out of my bubble,

as yours does the same.  You

teach me to be spontaneous in life

and for that,

I applaud you.




Andre's Girl

Her patient smile lays lightly on her lips

as though painted by Davinci, the Mona Lisa

the original


Her solitude has invited a boy in

and she trusts him to

disappoint and worry her.

Her days disappear into him,

and she need not worry about

being the one

in trouble

this time.

Lithely, with the grace of a Goddess,

she places her flaxen tresses 

about her shoulders, and

smiles to think

that SHE is the one that he loves

CLR 2011




Is this a sinister grin, this one that

slips out from under his baseball cap

as though his mouth were attached

to the top of his head?

Most of the time,

he sleeps

He plays

He avoids.

Just for now,

he is an inert ingredient in the

recipe of life.

CLR 2011




Evan II

Evan Turpine is not a redneck,

nor is he a blue blood. He looked them up, and

my imagination has been squelched by

What is politically correct?

What is hurtful (words words words)

changes every year, now every moment... that being as it may,

Evan Turpine is a diamond in the rough,

and I tried to draw that picture

rather than use the tired diamond metaphor.

'Creating' is a dirty business, which has been

pablumized and sterilized into a soggy box,

I want to be unpastuerized and raw

I lean towards Langston and

uncouth word-using authors

of old, but then I remember that

Evan's feelings can get hurt,

and I reluctantly rewrite.

CLR 2011





Evan I

Evan is an amazing mixture of true and false

of blue blood, and red-neck,

a library that should be accessed often.

He is a perfect mixture

of true and false,

of yes and no,

of right

and wrong.

Evan is a brilliant light,

thank Goodness

He is our future.


Evan expressed dismay at this 'poem'. He felt it was innappropriate, so I wrote Evan II.





Kylee Cofer

Under-Boldened, Over-Burdened

Kylee's like a Miniature backpack

filled with candy and

perfectly sharpened pencils.

Her smile is larger than even her heart

which must be the

largest organ

on her person.


Ms. Cofer presents herself as

a vacuum-packed bag of

rehydrated onions,

curling one leg under her rear-end,


other, barely touching the floor

just waiting to burst forth

with either the sugar or

a monocotyledonous plant of the genus Allium,

depending on the day.

CLR 2011




D. Mendy is just liike Molly was,Standing by the desk.

Reluctant to sit, impervious to the stink eye.

innocently wondering why everyone is sitting but him.

D.Mendy know gigantic words,

but he diffuses them inorganically without

situationallly correct manner.

Oops, I just did it, too.

He will learnbecause he will soon be

with a crowd that accepts only the

D. Mendy walks down Roger's halls,

and it makes him

D. Mendenhall
