The Other Mother

Michele, with her dark

flashing eyes

and taste

for The Safety in Roy,

Held in her arms my wide-eyed boy,

frightened by the siren that called his mother away.

She filled up that void

at the start of each day.

She taught him to

whistle and tie his kindergarten shoes.

And the hole in our hearts

became just a bruise.



Michele’s star has a tail shaped like a heart,

a blazing flash of energy that wants for nothing and everything simultaneously

and Michele never sleeps peacefully

unless she has caught a boatload of fish

and had all the fun that goes along with it.



We share a memory of a man we once loved

who kept a gun pointed directly at us, always.



When we grow

we hurt,

and when we hurt we grow.

When we breathe

we begin to live


when we live, we begin to breathe,


when we learn

we slowly forget

that we never understood

life at all.



If, in heaven,

we get points for cleanliness,

Michele and Cheryl

are in.


Dear Christmas



The new year is nigh.

Your spoils are withered

your music passe

Back to the turmoil of our daily assay.



20-something mothers,

newly displaced from court to home

sharing secrets, counting miles

as we ran.

30-something mothers,

we fretted and struggled

to manuever the waters

of adulthood,

as we drove.

40-something women

we painfully sought

our solace in love and work.

as we celebrated.

50-something grandma

and school marm still

trying to find sense

where there is none.

as we love a man and some dogs



A vision of this beauty,

focused silently on

her childhood, with the face of

Benjamin Franklin

as he wrote out his blueprint for the

postal service.

Her light orange hair cascading

down around her tiny shoulders.

so intent was she, in the Bell Street house.

Her spirit, as years passed, remained stoic,

her mane luxurious, her disposition accepting but not conforming

A vision—a construction worker trapped inside her queenly quietude.

CLR 2014


When ‘I do’

didn’t work out for us, we changed it to ‘I don’t'. She

‘did’ for 15 years longer than I ‘did’, and then she

‘did’ some more!



We have followed each other to Kali,

from one hair dresser to the next,

together and with much


since each of us values our lovely hair

over almost anything,

except maybe

our butts.

CLR 2015

Erica Bounds

Erica Bounds through life

with her hopes wrapped

several times around beauty and love and

a baby named



Good News!

Right now we are older

than we have ever been

Bad News

Right now we are younger than

we will ever



CLR 2015

Life in Mistakes

To have been alive

for 50 years and not

to have made mistakes…

would mean that we were

not alive

for 50 years, at all.

Mistakes poke us like

badges, our proof

of risks taken,

which is the name of life.






CLR 1-27-15


One day

”I might be late ”


”I might be dead”

That day

I decided

to stay in bed.

CLR 5/21/14

Irrelevant Tree, Irrelevant Me

I have no

eloquent words

for this page,

but creation is coursing through me and now demands expression here.

on this paperwhich was once a tree

until it grew to the point that we no longer

recognized it

as necessary

in it’s original form.

Cray 2016


If I could write a poem for you

and you’d write one for me,

We wouldn’t ever need to read them,

they’d be the same, you see?

CLR 2017

Ocean of Love-

(originally intended for Andrew and Jeanette, but adapted and adopted by Loren and Michele)

See me, I’m the ocean,

why the sky is so blue,

but I have reds and yellows and green colors too.

The sky eats my reds and my yellows and greens and all that it shows are blue in-betweens.

 And your love is the ocean, the sky is still blue, and paddling round it

 You beautiful two

 Who knew where it started or knows how it mends,

It’s reflections of oceans,

And it never ends.

June 11, 2017