

Aaron has a baritone

voice meant for great things,

with perfect pitch and excess volume,

yet, he never sings.


A packman, whose Barbaric YAWP

is heard throughout the park.

Now a soldier, standing tall and

Marching from his dark.


Rarely Sullen,

Mr. Sullins can do more than he will show.

soon two roads will diverge in a yellow wood,

so which way will he go?

CLR 2010




Kenny has a charm that extends beyond his crooked nose and

his love for the leather bouncing spherical objects that

he expects will most often spell out success.

He compels one to think, as he thinks deeply himself, yet

he hides it behind his gruff shrugs, and lowered eyes,

and his very, very smooth ways with the girs.

Doctor, lawyer, business man all there,

wrapped up in his low riding jeans.

CLR '10



The Hat

A palpable sadness.

a grumbling, grinding sadness, shared by us all

Lives atop

his  globe whose,

heart lies in wait, not

trying to hear outside

of the ipod.

The hat,

black and crooked, it

sits curtly slouched

on Randy's head,

hating, but not knowing what life

holds for it.

CR '09




Andrew stands as tall and yet

he seems a half-head taller

shoulders stooped with 

care and life

he towers above his peers.


A somber, searching, stalwart boy

just focused on the road.

In lock-step he marches

carefully avoiding

the cracks and weeds and poison.

Andrew stands just six feet tall,

but seems three feet above them all.

CR '09



Mr. Nickens

Like a wheel

on a hot rod like a tire

on a jalopy

like the rolling black things

on a little red wagon...

Garrett's been there

Garrett's done that


Garrett will 

Help you go there,


CR '09



Jordan N.

I can see you old, I can see you young,

and I can see you inside out.

Head held high, you touch the sky

then BAM you slap the floor.

You are Gramma Jo, and little Jordy!

with Madonna's smile

smooth as silk, old as the hills

you are a thousand

time tested

over-used similes 

dancing in my head.

CR 9/2009




Rocky and crunchy and sweaty and bold

Scott goes through his day.

He thinks war and plays war and hopes to see

war some way.

His secret is kept in a leather holster,

maybe a bible

or a gun.

His strong jaw could

stop an M80

and spit it out

when he's done.

We will trust him to

hold back the

enemy lines.

And thank him when he's done.

CLR 09/2009




When the world is very still

A smile may creep across his face,

and if you see it, put it in a bottle

before it gets away

because his smile is shy and

his laugh is soft, but his BELLOW,

oh his BELLOW is

by no means yellow...

And his eyes, they tell the truth!

CLR 2010



Michaelya F.

Mi Kay Kay honors us now and then

with her beauty and her grace.

She gently glides into the room,

with a smile upon her face.


A tender plant, a spider's web

a baby's  giggle, too.

Michaelya has nature on her mind

and in her, through and through.

CLR 2010




Her motor revs high and fast,

and rumbles deep and low.


Her wit, it's working overtime,

her mind is never slow.


Alex has a clear idea 

of how this world should be


And she will share, and she will care, 

and she will help us see.

CLR '10



Brendan Stray

B earish and

R unning from

E nglish, he

N ever stops

D aring me to move him

A nd tossing his pen into the air

N ever even for a minute


S trange injuries

T ag him as a

R unner

A nd

Y es he hurts his finger, too.

clr 2010




Steadfast pilgrim Jacqueline.

Scrubbed as clean

as a Dove soap model,

seeking her cleanest self.

And she works ever hard

for the reward

she has heard

will help her be

who she wants to be.

A twin born apart, right from the start,

still, Jaqueline 

smiles at me.

Clr 2010




Jade Allegria

Every heart suffers

and every heart cries

every heart listens,

but every heart lies.


Every love reaches

and every love grabs. 

Every love whispers

but every love stabs.


Every plan guides us,

and it arranges

every plan calms us,

but every plan changes.


Every dream glistens

and every dream gives

every dream calls us

and every dream lives.

CR 10/09



Mr. Kuhr

T ell-tale tallness

Y ep, he has it

L anky frame, he's got that too.

E veryday I wonder if maybe he is

R eally a cowboy, deep down.

CLR 2010




Brown flower

white flower

yellow flower now.

She dances with beauty 'oer the sand,

tropical breezes following her fancy, solid steps.

With a whiz of power in her arm and

generous grace to go along

Oli dances for herself

always flowery strong.

CLR 2010



2 class jordan

I pierce you with my intellect


cut you right in half.

half eats junkfood/half eats right

and half can't get to sleep at night.

There it is, the problem's clear

We have too many halves in here!

CR '2009




Spencer has a bounce in his gait

that says he's happy to see you,

no matter who you may be.

Spencer shines a light for his peers

that touches them whether they

know it or not.

Without asking for reparations, without taking the spotlight,

without shouting his deep, abiding goodness,

Spencer just is.

And someday his classmates

will look back with awe

that they were lucky enough

to have had him.

CLR 2010




Allen you are welcome

to our gentle, happy class.

Allen you are gentle and

are welcome to this mass.

Placement perfect for your rest

students here are at their best.

Glad you're here

safe with us

where you may quietly rest your soul.

CLR 2010




Her own bouncing blond curls shine only for her family

and sit gently for no one, but the boy she treasures most.

Her insatiable appetite for life and

helping others sometimes spills over 

into the classroom as she

ravishes her lunch,

Jessica kicks herself,

being that it is only 8am

but her heart is for helping and family and others

and her lunch is for breakfast, again.

CLR '10



Cause and Effect

Ryan has a calling because Ryan has been called.

Fiercely working, boring his way

but never bored.

Ryan is not skipping because he has never skipped.

And Ryan is adoring God because he feels adored.

And you see him working here so hard

because he is worked at home.

