I was just a child when I married, so what did I know? Nothing. So take these impressions for what they are worth. But at about that time I started watching my cousin Anne living her life, parallel to mine. Her life was more curious and frightening to me than I would ever or did ever say until now. When Anne wanted a thing, she waved a wand, and there it was, that’s how it seemed and yet,…..the THINGS she wanted: motherhood, two baby girls, on her own. She made it look easy, but I knew it wasn't.

Always, through her independent parenting days, she had men who wanted to make her their own, but she didn’t appear to have any interest in signing on with them. There was one in particular whose charms she had avoided for years, but he finally caught up with her. It was John, with his reputation as a Harley riding giant of a man preceding him. He would take care of her, he said. She didn’t need taking care of, she said. He would love to share his oversized mitts with her body, he said. Maybe later, she shrugged.

And I don’t know how many years it was, but eventually, John’s steadfast focus on what he wanted, paid off. Anne added him to her family, and then Jamie and Michael too.

So. What I am writing, I am writing for him although it seems like I’m writing for her. What large footprint has John left in his stead? John let us who love Anne, stop holding our breath in terror. Thank you John for that. Who knows what other terrors you brought into her life, but this is not the place for that.

From my perspective, John was like a gentle giant that finally calmed down my very special cousin, Anne. Private John, I did not know, but John who helped me stop worrying about Anne, well he was a helper. His giant physical presence always made me think of Abe Lincoln.

Grandmother and Granddaddy relied on John after Dave Morgan and I disappointed them. Same with my mom and Bob. There were 50 acres of animals, water, and cedar forests that needed tending and John was always there when needed, with Anne and young Michael laboring beside him as well.

I’m sure it’s true of Carol and Cliff too, but from where I stood, I couldn’t see it all. I couldn’t possibly see the extent of his impact on our whole family. Like one of the old Cedar trees on the property, he was planted and grew and grew and grew. Yes, he died once five or so years ago. Lungs stopped breathing, heart stopped beating, dead on arrival. Dead. But it wasn’t his time, he came back and carried on for another 7 years or so. But here he is again, this time death won’t let him go, so we have to say goodbye.

I guess if I have to narrow it down and give the bottom line here: John is, was and always will be an important part of the family and will be missed.


in rocks

John and Anne and John and Roxie
