Mis Sonrisas

Each day

the sun rises gently,

with a whisper of deference,

and a shudder of 



The implicit simplicity of manners

is not lost on the horizon

but beams happily up

from row after row after row after row after row after row...

each shaft of light 

reflects a different image

here I see proud, strong, and cooperative,

now silly, sweet and secrective.

There is grinning and slouching

now alert, now drowsy.

Monkey faces, stretch their lips, twist their eyebrows

around their chubby cheeks.

Tappity tap--confused and frustrated: defeated becomes

clear, focused: victorious.

Sullen and silent, cell reorganization, chemical alterations

clear, sure, excitable wow!

Moving from a world of their own,

to my realm,

and back again.

Quite sure they won't miss a thing.

Quite happily, they are one energy.


When, as nature requires, the sun


I will ache with the wish to have given more to my sonrisas who only 

stayed for a day.

CM 1997
