A teacher is

a parcel of old groceries,

from the sale bin, worn thin,

roughed up, frayed, decayed,

depleted and faded. His tired eyes

diminishing his value in the market

putting him in the half-price bin,

where most folks walk by, stopping

only long enough to identify the flaw

then move on.

And this parcel called

a teacher is

held together with twine

from the farthest corner

of the oldest hardware store,

where Phil, the owner and his dog will always help you find the item

you are seeking, and will ask how

your aunt Martha is doing since her


But this package

has been damaged

by rough handling and the

twine is straining,

because this person we call a teacher

is not God.

Why can’t Johnny Read? Cries an outraged

public, has the teacher

outlived his pull date?


Why is it that all the old hardware stores

have been replaced by

shiny, glitzy new depots with

pimply faced teenagers

who don’t care where the twine is

shrug their shoulders

as they point to the map of the store?

CM 3/24/2000
