
Audra Confuses the Poet

It is as  though

Audra's beginning

and end are happening at the same time

as everything else

in between.


Her age is infinity,  although she was born

yesterday and  is already trying

to wean.


She goes and she stops without

starting or end

but she seems to float when

she's on the mend.


She's tall and she's short

and in-between, too,

there's growth, then there's not

which confuses you.


Audra, go forth, or go back

whatever you will,

but know that with late work,

you are going to kill,

your grade


your teacher,

whichever you will.

CLR 2011





Amber Tucker is a whisper

and a Faerie in the Forest

of the nature William S. has writ.

As though the air did lift her there

and gently down did set

What lucky ones we

are, we that have her in our


 Amber Tucker may have a shout somewhere,

but she will not invite us there.

 so gentle there, the wisp of hair

her silence is quite


CLR 2011






Shelby Smith

Shelby dear, you're never here

so Howzit you know so much?

Your brain is sharp, like fine art 

your snazzy clothes, they sparkle

Shelby dear, it's very clear, you've learned that your potential

can take the place of showin' your face, it really is that simple.

A Teddy Bear, Maddona-ish, as sweet as carrots in May.

Where you go, the students glow, and wish that you would stay!

You make this room less full of gloom, so would it be so hard,

for you each day to come and stay, and help us read the Bard?

CLR 2011




There are no words to sum him up,

his staunch unwavering quality

is wrapped up by the false and clearly transparent

tough guy--

in the same manner that ivy covers

the trunk of a tree,

threatening life everyday.

His elegant and divine

stature towers above

his peers, and he is good and wise.

Yet there's Yin where there's Yan

and according to plan

His pendulum swings from his fear.

DJ's smooth vocals,

just out of range might

utter the truth or 

a dare.






down the path  he

thinks he was made for.

He is surrounded by smiles which are for him 

and because of him

but not trusting yet,

he holds tightly to

the past that 

cannot help him

nor hurt him unless he thinks it so.

And he plods

down the path he chooses



clr 2010



The Nollman

You are Jake, and you are not Josh, I know it in my heart,

But I can't help when I say your name,

I always make that 'blart'. (made up word meaning mistake)


Oh Mr. Noll, we love your soul, E'en when it is not glad!

Just 'noll' that we have strempf for you 

when you are feeling bad.


You make a diff'rence in our wold,

you make yon light shine brighter!


But if you would, please hold your hand

away from that damned lighter!

clr 2011




Ms. Bacon of Amberness!

Amber is my grand mama. Amber is a love

Her sense of humor rises up from somewhere up above.

Leaning like the fabled tower, glasses on her nose,

Amber is my grand mama, learning from her flows.

Would she, could she teach the class?Absolutely, yes!

But what about the noisy ones, could she take all the stress?

Amber could and Amber would, and will

if we are lucky.

She will teach and she will preach and

always be quite plucky!

So thank you Gram, for smiling so,

e'en when you're feeling funky,

For lacking you, the day would come

and go without a monkey!

clr 2011



Ms. Salinas-Trasvina

Yaritza has her secrets

that hide behind her gentle smile.

If anyone knew the size 

of the boulder she carries on her shoulders 

they would be astounded by her strength.


Her graceful demeanor and silky hair

tell the world that she will

be ok, no matter what, or when, or where.


Yaritza has her secrets,

the most important one of all

Is how to hold your head up,

and dis-allow a fall.

Education takes her by the hand

and pulls her to the top, giving

her the ability to focus on the beauty of tomorrow.

clr 2011



Victory for Victoria

Oh Goddess of all that is most beauteous on this vile earth!

Oh treat not on the hearts of the boys who turn their heads.


Your exquisite fortune smiles down upon me,

twisting my arm into pretzel-like state.

My Muse weeps as you disrespect her timing,

her fancy foowork falls, failing

when it is forced.

Ah, golden-haired Aphrodite

Oh Venus!

art thou a worthy goddess? December

proclaimed your worth resplendently


It shouts from the wall:

She is good

She is good

Tatiana has been heard, at last!

clr 2011



Ricardo Zacapu

He sits noiselessly by the Phantom of

the Opera poster, while he stares

through the pages of

To Kill a Mockingbird.


One can almost smell the sulphur of the

striking match inside his head, as he burns through

the book.

Somewhere he picked up a 'poker face' and he uses 

it as his everyday mask, except when he looks at

HER, and then his face softens and becomes

mischievous and almost cute.


He has no time for nonsense and he will live his

way, and we teachers of English may never convince

him we matter, until we say his

name right.




Spencer Sawyer

Spencer thinks, before he speaks

which an anomaly it is.

Naivete will eat his face

if these home boys can him out race.

Spencer acts after he has thought

something more children should ought.

Though his engine revs quite slowly,

Spencer can't be thought of as lowly.His pragmatic mind can see the day

when adulthood gimly paves the way.

CLR 2011



Sara Rocha.

Although I asked politely if I could call her


she said 'no'.

Although I asked in good humor

she solemnly

shook her head.

Even though I tried to tickle her brain

she looked at me, unsmiling,

until she noticed that she was


And then, she would not stop.

CLR 2011



Mr. Lasher-Lowery

All I know about DJ is that

he has a superb mind that he hesitates to

make a commitment to.


A talent, raw, is not a talent at all,

until polished with self-discipline.


Will he ever accept that being a pain

doesn't always mean saying things out



Distraction with out words is still distraction,

and the giggles it gets from the girls

will not take the place of hard work

and a desire to succeed.


If DJ decides to, he will be one of those 

guys on Hangover I and Hangover II,

OR he will be one of the greatest minds of our time.

Not both.

Only DJ will decide.

I can only watch and accept his decision

to control his power or 

lazily toss aside his energy, scouring the horizon for mischief.

It didn't much rhyme, but the best poetry doesn't, DJ

and you are poetry


CLR 2011



Larson Motor, LLC

He is a company of himself

and is like

a fast, red Corvette.


Because his motor is in constant


he knows not what his obstacles are.


His pistons are pumping

the blood through his ears

so he never hears me talk.....


His heartbeat is racing loudly now

but someday

he will slow down and wonder

where his education was,

and why

none of his teachers talked.

CLR 2011



Merritt's Merits

T rying to decide which path he will take is

R ather exhausting for Mr. Merritt because

E verybody, good guys and bad, want him on their side. He could be a

V aledictorian, if he makes all the correct choices,

O nly allowing peers to influence him in the

R ight way. :) 

CLR 2011




J ust when I think the year is over

O ut of nowhere pops a kid named Josh, who

S leeps at least as much as he plays

H is ever so beloved game of beisbol

U ntil he has his chance at

A cting, and then he wakes up in order to die a very strange Shakespearian death.

clr 2011




I watch you

pop your knuckles

examine your hands

shuffle your papers.

Anything, it seems

to stay away from the

dreaded task at hand.

I observe that you tickle your chin as you think.

..but I wonder what you think about.

Your hand tap taps as you decide

if Shakespeare has your attention

or not.

A solemn face

and bowed head,

a push up of the glasses, a chew of the cud..


I watch you as though through the 


Nothing I see can tell me

as much

as listening to you before class

talk about 'thus and such'

Welcome, you, to our third period,

where tension laughs loudly

and pretends not to exist.

clr 2011



HI John

I don't know you well enough to

read you through, but

I would say decidedly, there lies

an artist in you!


The days you come to bless our


we have you read parts, ' en masse'.

You read Hamlet and now you know

what comes next and where it will go!


But reading twice or thrice can't hurt

'cause Shakespeare is the best.

Your music comes from deep inside

and The Bard does put it to test.


I hope you sing or rap or something

really crazy fun

But if you don't, John

I understand, like Hamlet,

you may find it 'too much

in the sun'.

clr 2011




Madison O.

This girl has the patience

of Job, tempered with the vengeance

of a woman scorned.


She has the wisdom and

bold beauty of

Feste in Twelfth Night.


She is respectful, on the edge of carnivorous,

she is creative, with faith in her powers


And she will prosper with

these  attributes, and fly to the top

where only the firmament will challenge

her boisterous, bawdy beauty,

and yet her immune system has her

by the huevos.

clr 2011



Kelsy Jean

Kelsy, you are a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma, but perhaps 

there is a key.

Winston Churchill said it of Russia, and I say it of thee!

Although you naturally hide your being, like a turtle his underbelly,

there are moments in your writing where you let it slip

that love turns your knees to jelly.

So if a detective had to guess why you might miss a day

or two,

He need look no further than a handsome boy

to find the likes of you.

He is the key, to your soft heart

but hold this to be true

in the end of all, as Shakespeare might say

you must 

rely on you.

clr 2011
